Organizations represent official groups that you have affiliation with as a Na Lima Kako'o user. Click the Add Organizations link below to see a complete list of organizations and select those you want to join.
Creating an account is the first step in the Nā Lima Kāko’o registration process. You will use your account username and password each time you log into Nā Lima Kāko’o.
The username must be at least six (6) characters long and cannot contain spaces. Acceptable characters include alphanumeric (A-Z, 0-9) and the symbols @, ., -, and _. Usernames are not case sensitive.
Terms of Service:
Information Pledge:
Background Check Consent:
Volunteer Agreement:
Example: Dr., Col., Mr., Mrs., Ms.
Example: Jr., Sr., MD., PhD, RN
SSN is used to verify certain licensure information and for identification purposes.
If your occupation does not appear in the list, please select Other.
Please provide the volunteer's license information for the occupation above
Is the name on the volunteer's license the same as the name provided in his or her personal information?
First name, exactly as it appears on the license.
Middle name, exactly as it appears on the license.
Last name, exactly as it appears on the license.
Suffix, exactly as it appears on the license.
Professional License number, exactly as it appears on the license.
State or jurisdiction in which this license was issued.
Is the volunteer's license in good standing?
Is the volunteer's license free of adverse actions and restrictions?